I'm sure before you start reading, you're going to want to know who I am, so I'll introduce myself - I'm Tayne P., one of the friendliest and more responsible students at Clear Horizons!

Now I'd like to share my story about how I found out about AND managed to get into this school, so without further ado, here goes...

I was actually homeschooled all the way to 7th grade. Because I originally wanted to attend an online high school (Connections Academy), I had to go to public school at Victory Lakes Intermediate in 8th grade.

Then I heard about Clear Horizons ECHS. At first, I was in denial about even going to a public school (even though I kinda liked VLI), but as soon as I went to that first presentation about CHECHS, I immediately fell in love with how the school runs and all that, and that was the path I wanted to go.

So I went ahead and applied to CHECHS, and was eagerly waiting to see if I was one of the first 125 people in the lottery selection they have. Believe it or not, I made it in. I was actually lottery number 12, so as soon as I heard the news, I IMMEDIATELY became ecstatic about the news I had
just heard.

After all of that, I did everything else I needed to do (if you go to the rest of the presentations, you'll likely find out what you need to do), and
before I knew it, I was in! Of course, my parents and I were proud to have made it in this school!

So that's my story. Interesting, right? I hope you enjoy this blog! Check back for more interesting moments, tips, and tricks!

Saturday, November 19, 2016

We finally made it to Thanksgiving break! Yay!

It has come to my attention that I don't post much, but so far, I've only posted on this blog once a month. I intended for it to be more frequently, but unfortunately, it didn't happen, and I didn't even realize it was that bad until a student during one of my tutorial periods had asked me when I was going to update my blog. That's when I realized "Oh wow, I don't post as often as I'd like", and the reason is because I have lots of homework to do, and I never actually have a lot of time to do other things like write on this blog, because that time is taken up either on social media, homework, or just doing random stuff other than this. But rest assured, I'll always know that I have this blog, and I'm always thinking about what to write on it. But man, it was a pretty busy and interesting few weeks.

I'm proud to announce that apparently I've built up a great and positive reputation among basically everyone at CHECHS, and as of right now, it seems to only be getting better and better. I'm realizing that more as I make more friends. Now I'm interacting with tons of different people, and not just dominant to a friend group of only a few people. That positive reputation was really evident when I had the unfortunate situation of being absent on Thursday. I don't know what in the world their reactions were, but I'm sure everyone was very surprised that I was gone, and wanted me back there ASAP. Especially considering that I do a lot for this school... I'm a funny person who just tries to have fun when I can, I'm one of the student helpers for the printer room (speedy printer computers needed, anyone? I even wrote instructions for how to use the computers), I write the Quote of the Day that I get from a website for the freshman in the English I teacher's classroom, and more. You can even ask for the time when I'm nearby, and if I hear it, I'll announce to time to whoever I think said it. I get that request on a regular basis. The WHAP teacher was even jokingly telling me that since I wasn't here that day, they decided to cancel their test because of that reason, and they just sat in the room quietly for the next hour and 20 minutes... but of course, since I said he was joking, it didn't happen. But yeah, normally only a few people would care if you show up or not, but when it comes to me (and I always want to be here whenever I can), all of a sudden there's a change in the Force... as if there's no me, there's no one bringing positivity to this school, and there won't be a pretend car around! But I came back Friday, and was welcomed to quite a few people who noticed I was gone and cared about me. Someone even asked me if I was feeling better, and I replied, "Yep. Or, at least, I'm getting there." That person knew I had been sick probably because I had posted on Twitter that I wouldn't be here Thursday because I was sick, and she saw that and noticed it. If you're someone who cares about me, thank you so much. You're a positive influence in my life and mean so much to me.

Sounds like the teachers and principals finally have the volume of the freshman under control... as now they're in their classrooms a few minutes before class starts, and the hallways haven't been as loud as they were the beginning of this year. Some of the freshman still seem to act a little wild at times, though, which is unfortunate, as this school was intended for responsible students, and not for those who are clearly immature and may as well be in a regular high school. (If you're one of those responsible freshman, please don't think I'm targeting you, as I'm not... I actually know some of you as friends. I'm mainly talking about the boys. It's always the boys who are immature.)
But as of right now, it's not all about the problems I see with this school (and they're tolerable problems, thankfully) and me being an important student... I heard some news I actually wasn't willing to hear until after I stop riding the bus, especially on a daily basis. On the Clear Springs Horizons route, I've heard our current bus driver might be becoming a sub bus driver in the near future... it's either that or she might get her own route (which'll be a different one)... and that's about as far as I remember in that matter. But either way, she's eventually going to be leaving us, and it's just a matter of when. We don't know that factor at all. It was sad news for the driver, and so was the students who ride our bus. Our driver's been driving this route for nine years (basically since Clear Horizons started), and I don't think she wanted to stop doing this route for as long as she's a driver. Since we were known as bus riders who are very nice and respectful, we were thanked for being that kind of rider, and hopes that we'll give the same respect to the new bus driver when he/she does get this route. This new driver could get this route as early as after Thanksgiving, but I hope it doesn't happen that early. Our current bus driver's really nice, typically gets us to Horizons pretty fast, and knows me really well as a rider who sits up front. There are a few instances where I've helped her, like when she tells me to remind her not to take a particular road that's busy, and when we're running late, I get what intermediate bus routes need to wait for us. I've done this for about a year and a half so far, and I hope this new driver will be as nice as she was. I really hope I can make good friends with the new bus driver. I've done it with everyone I've ridden with more than a few times, so maybe I can do it with the new driver as well! We'll have to see, but I know when we get this new driver (assuming we get to ride the same bus), our bus will not feel the same way as it did when I started riding.

We still made it to Thanksgiving break, however! I'm proud we did, actually! The only odd things I see about it, though, is that there are those teachers who give homework over the break... like, really? You expect us to do work over a break that is supposed to be relaxing? I can't stress that enough. Another odd thing about the break that is exclusive to Clear Horizons is that the college doesn't have break on Monday and Tuesday, so you have to arrange your own transportation there just to attend only your college classes! I know, the College is no fun... but at least CCISD got it right when they were thinking of how long the breaks are supposed to be.

That's all I have for now... Have an awesome Thanksgiving break! I'll miss y'all! :)

1 comment:

  1. Moscow, Queen of the Russian land,
    Built like a rock to stand,
    Proud and divine.

    Moscow, your golden towers glow,
    Even through ice and snow,
    Sparkling they shine.

    And every night, night, night there is music,
    Oh every night, night, night there is love,
    And every night, night, night there is laughter,
    Here's to you brother, hey brother, ho.
    Hey, hey, hey, hey.

    Moscow, Moscow,
    Throw your glasses at the wall,
    Fame and fortune to us all,
    Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, hey.

    Moscow, Moscow,
    Join us for a casatchok,
    We'll be dancing 'round the clock,
    Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, hey.

    Moscow, Moscow,
    Drinking vodka all night long,
    Keeps you happy, makes you strong,
    Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, hey.

    Moscow, Moscow,
    Come and have a drink again,
    You will never leave again,
    Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, hey.

    La lala la la la la, la lala la la la la,
    Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, hey.

    La lala la la la la, la lala la la la la,
    Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

    Moscow, Moscow,

    Moscow, Moscow,
    Take Natasha in your arms,
    You'll be dazzled by her charms,
    Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, hey.

    Moscow, Moscow,
    She will make you understand,
    Russia is a wondrous land,
    Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha

    Moscow, Moscow,

    And every night, night, night there is music,
    Oh every night, night, night there is love,
    And every night, night, night there is laughter,
    Here's to you brother, hey brother, ho.
    Hey, hey, hey, hey.

    Moscow, Moscow,
    Throw your glasses at the wall,
    Fame and fortune to us all,
    Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, hey.

    Moscow, Moscow,
    Join us for a casatchok,
    We'll be dancing 'round the clock,
    Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, hey.

    Moscow, Moscow,
    Drinking vodka all night long,
    Keeps you happy, makes you strong,
    Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, hey.

    Moscow, Moscow,
    Come and have a drink again,
    You will never leave again,
    Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, hey.
